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Büyük Muhammet'in Tören Alayı Üzerine, Önyargının İnşası: Tercüme Adı Altında Sahte Yayınlar: Padişah’ın 1687 ve 1697 Tarihli Fermanı

Yıl 2022, Cilt: 10, 371 - 399, 26.06.2022


Bu makalenin konusunu Sultan II. Süleyman (1687-1691), II. Mustafa (1695-1703) ve III. Ahmet (1703-1730) zamanında gerçekleşen askerî yenilgiler sonrasında hazırlandığı iddia edilen ve Osmanlı topraklarında pazartesi ve cuma günleri bütün tebaanın oruç tutmasını ve üç ay üst üste Mekke’de alay düzenlenmesini emreden ferman oluşturmaktadır. Bu sözde fermanın İngilizce tercümesi 17. yüzyılın sonuna doğru basılmış ve çeşitli türevleri farklı zamanlarda tekrar tekrar çeşitli yazılı kaynaklarda yer almıştır. Bu yayınlara göre fermanda peygamberin şefaati ile Allah’tan Osmanlı ordusunun gelecekteki başarısını dilemek üzere üç kere düzenlenmesi gereken tören alayının kuralları da tanımlanmaktadır. Buna göre, peygamberin tabutu farklı yayınlara göre yaklaşık 10, 20 ya da 25 millik (40 km) bir mesafe olan tören güzergâhı boyunca taşınacak, yol boyunca katılanlar kendilerini kırbaçlayarak ağıtlar yakacak ve her mil başına bir insan kurban edilecektir. İngilizcede ilk kez 1687 yılında bir broşür olarak basılan, daha sonra bir dergide “Advice from Turky/News from Turkey” başlığı ile yer alan 1697 tarihli bu metin aslında kara propaganda örneği olarak değerlendirilmelidir. Bu sözde Osmanlı Fermanlarının İngiliz dilindeki farklı versiyonları yaklaşık iki yüz yıl boyunca basılan çeşitli yayınlarda yer almıştır. Pek çok İngiliz okuryazar 20. yüzyıla kadar iki yüzyıl boyunca sözde ve sahte Osmanlı fermanlarında yer alan kasti kötücül iddiaları gerçek kabul etmiştir. Bu da “Öteki”nin barbar ve yobaz olduğuna dair gerçeklik illüzyonu yaratılmasını sağlamıştır.


  • Anno 1686, Littera Zz, Num. 46, 16 Novemb., Mercurii Relation, oder wochentliche Reichs Ordinari Zeitungen. München.
  • Benson R. L. 2021, Imperial Lives and Letters of the Eleventh Century: With an Historical Introduction. Oregon.
  • Bergmann C. C. 1687, Der Christliche Held, Siegprächtig zu Feld, im Türckischen Zelt. Frankfurt-Leipzig.
  • Collective 1688, Historische Erzehlung Der Heldenwürdigen Kriegs-Thaten, Welche in höchst-tapferster Bestreitung des allgemeinen Erb-Feindes der Christenheit, des Türckens, zu der Röm. Käyserl. Majest. Dero sambtlichen Hohen Aliirten und der Durchläuchtigsten Venetianischen Republic immerwährender Glori im 1686, 1687, und 1688, Jahr.
  • Collective 1753, Histoire de Maurice Comte de Saxe, Maréchal Général Des Camps Et Armées de Sa Majesté Très-chrétienne, Duc Elu de Courlande Et de Semigalle, et Chevalier des Ordres de Pologne et de Saxe, Dressée Sur Les Mémoires de M. D’Alençon, T. I., A Londres, Chés Jean Nourse, près de St. Paul.
  • D’Expagnac M. le baron 1773, Histoire de Maurice, comte de Saxe, duc de Courlande et de Sémigalle, maréchal général des camps & armées de Sa Majesté très chrétienne. Paris.
  • Ernst G. 2018, Textes français privés des XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles. Berlin.
  • Francklin W. 1790, Observations Made on a Tour from Bengal to Persia, in the Years 1786-7: With a Short Account of the Remains of the Celebrated Palace of Persepolis; and Other Interesting Events. London.
  • Happelio E. G. & Happel E. W. 1686, Der Spanische Quintana, Oder So genannter Europaeischer Geschicht-Roman, Auf Das 1686 Jahr. Wein.
  • Hasher L., Goldstein D. & Toppino T. 1977, “Frequency and the conference of referential validity”, Journal of Verbal Learning & Verbal Behavior 16/1, 107-112.
  • Hunter T. 1744, Moral Discourses on Providence and Other Important Subjects, vol. II. London.
  • Kerr R. 1812, A General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels, vol. VII. Edinburgh & London.
  • Minuti R., J. Ehrard, S. Rotta, C. Volpihac Auger & C. de Secondat baron de Montesquieu 2002, Oeuvres complètes de Montesquieu: Spicilège, T. 13. Napoli.
  • Néel L. B. 1752, Histoire de Maurice, comte de Saxe etc. enrichie des plans, T. I., A Mittaw.
  • Patai R. 1997, Jadīd Al-Islām: The Jewish “new Muslims” of Meshhed. Detroit.
  • Pérau M. L. 1757, Mes rêveries, Ouvrage posthume de Maurice Comte De Saxe, augmenté d’une histoire abrégée de sa vie, & de différentes pièces qui y ont rapport. Amsterdam & Leipzig.
  • Prideaux H. 1697, The True Nature of Imposture Fully Displayed in the Life of Mahomet, with A Discourse annexed, for the Vindicating of Christianity from this Charge; Offered to the Consideration of the Deists of the present Age. London.
  • Šamin S. & Watson C. 2014, “The Apocryphal ‘Instruction from the Turkish Sultan’: the European Tradition and the Russian Translation from 1697”. Slovo, Journal of Slavic Languages, Literatures and Cultures 55, 169-190.
  • Schwarzbaum H. 1989, Jewish Folklore Between East and West: Collected Papers. Beer-Sheva.
  • Taylor J. 1676, The Rule and Exercises of Holy Living. London.
  • Thevenot J. de 1687, The Travels of Monsieur De Thevenot into the Levant: In Three Parts. Turkey, Vol. I., London.
  • Thevenot J. de 1689, The Travels of Monsieur De Thevenot into the Levant: In Three Parts, Persia, vol. II. London.
  • Valdeón R. A. 2013, “From the Dutch corantos to Convergence Journalism: The Role of Translation in News Production”. Meta Journalisme et traduction 57/4, 850-865.
  • “Advice from Turkey and Germany” 21., The Present State of Europe, or, The Historical and Political Mercury, Vol. IX., for the Month of January, 1698, London, 1698, 21.
  • “Moslem Pilgrim Rites”. The Wray Gazette, Vol. 25, No. 28, Wray, Colorado, Thursday, 7 July 1927, page 5; ‘Moslem Pilgrim Rites’. Healdsburg Enterprise Vol. 1, No. 5, Healdsburg, Sonoma Co., Ca., Thursday, 28 July, 1927, page 3; ‘Moslem Pilgrim Rites’, Highland Recorder, Vol. 49, No. 32, Monterey, Va., Friday, 12 August 1927, page 1.
  • “The War between the Turks and the Venetians”. The Historical Register, Containing an Impartial Relation of All Transactions Foreign and Domestick I, 1-8. For the Year 1716, London, 1717.
  • The Historical Register, Containing an Impartial Relation of All Transactions Foreign and Domestick. Vol. I.., For the Year 1716, London, 1717, ii-iii.
  • “Moslem Pilgrim Rites”. The Wray Gazette, 7 July 1927.
  • “Moslem Pilgrim Rites”. Healdsburg Enterprise, 28 July 1927.
  • “Moslem Pilgrim Rites”. Highland Recorder, 12 August 1927.The Historical Register, Containing an Impartial Relation of All Transactions Foreign and Domestick, vol. I. For the Year 1716, London, 1717.
  • “The War between the Turks and the Venetians”.’ 1-8, The Historical Register, Containing an Impartial Relation of All Transactions Foreign and Domestick, Vol. I., 1-8. For the Year 1716, London, 1717, 5.

On the Procession of the Great Mahomet, Manufacturing Prejudice: Published Fabrications - Alleged Translations of Ottoman Decrees

Yıl 2022, Cilt: 10, 371 - 399, 26.06.2022


The subject of this paper is a series of variants on an alleged translation into English first published in the late 17th c. of what was said to be an ordinance-order-command-proclamation-decree, a firman, allegedly issued in consequence of Ottoman military defeats, by the Ottoman Sultans Süleyman II. (1687-1691), Mustafa II. (1695-1703), and Ahmed III. (1703-1730), for fasting throughout Ottoman territory on Mondays and Fridays by all Ottoman subjects, and, a procession to be held three times in three consecutive months at Mecca. This procession was to transport the coffin of the Prophet Mohammed over a distance of 20 or 10 or 25 miles, with lamentations and flagellations and a number of human sacrifice per mile, all specified in the alleged Order of Procession, to obtain the intercession of the Prophet Muhammed with the Almighty to ensure the future success of Ottoman arms. Published in English as a broadside pamphlet in 1687, and then in a journal article entitled Advice From Turky –News from Turkey in 1697, but which are in fact examples of black propaganda. This series of alleged Ottoman decrees was published in English in variant forms in a variety of publications over the course of nearly two centuries. Doubtless many readers over these two centuries believed the allegations made in these alleged Ottoman decrees to be true, not the malicious fabrications they are, thereby reinforcing the illusion of truth concerning the bigotry and barbarity of “the Other”.


  • Anno 1686, Littera Zz, Num. 46, 16 Novemb., Mercurii Relation, oder wochentliche Reichs Ordinari Zeitungen. München.
  • Benson R. L. 2021, Imperial Lives and Letters of the Eleventh Century: With an Historical Introduction. Oregon.
  • Bergmann C. C. 1687, Der Christliche Held, Siegprächtig zu Feld, im Türckischen Zelt. Frankfurt-Leipzig.
  • Collective 1688, Historische Erzehlung Der Heldenwürdigen Kriegs-Thaten, Welche in höchst-tapferster Bestreitung des allgemeinen Erb-Feindes der Christenheit, des Türckens, zu der Röm. Käyserl. Majest. Dero sambtlichen Hohen Aliirten und der Durchläuchtigsten Venetianischen Republic immerwährender Glori im 1686, 1687, und 1688, Jahr.
  • Collective 1753, Histoire de Maurice Comte de Saxe, Maréchal Général Des Camps Et Armées de Sa Majesté Très-chrétienne, Duc Elu de Courlande Et de Semigalle, et Chevalier des Ordres de Pologne et de Saxe, Dressée Sur Les Mémoires de M. D’Alençon, T. I., A Londres, Chés Jean Nourse, près de St. Paul.
  • D’Expagnac M. le baron 1773, Histoire de Maurice, comte de Saxe, duc de Courlande et de Sémigalle, maréchal général des camps & armées de Sa Majesté très chrétienne. Paris.
  • Ernst G. 2018, Textes français privés des XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles. Berlin.
  • Francklin W. 1790, Observations Made on a Tour from Bengal to Persia, in the Years 1786-7: With a Short Account of the Remains of the Celebrated Palace of Persepolis; and Other Interesting Events. London.
  • Happelio E. G. & Happel E. W. 1686, Der Spanische Quintana, Oder So genannter Europaeischer Geschicht-Roman, Auf Das 1686 Jahr. Wein.
  • Hasher L., Goldstein D. & Toppino T. 1977, “Frequency and the conference of referential validity”, Journal of Verbal Learning & Verbal Behavior 16/1, 107-112.
  • Hunter T. 1744, Moral Discourses on Providence and Other Important Subjects, vol. II. London.
  • Kerr R. 1812, A General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels, vol. VII. Edinburgh & London.
  • Minuti R., J. Ehrard, S. Rotta, C. Volpihac Auger & C. de Secondat baron de Montesquieu 2002, Oeuvres complètes de Montesquieu: Spicilège, T. 13. Napoli.
  • Néel L. B. 1752, Histoire de Maurice, comte de Saxe etc. enrichie des plans, T. I., A Mittaw.
  • Patai R. 1997, Jadīd Al-Islām: The Jewish “new Muslims” of Meshhed. Detroit.
  • Pérau M. L. 1757, Mes rêveries, Ouvrage posthume de Maurice Comte De Saxe, augmenté d’une histoire abrégée de sa vie, & de différentes pièces qui y ont rapport. Amsterdam & Leipzig.
  • Prideaux H. 1697, The True Nature of Imposture Fully Displayed in the Life of Mahomet, with A Discourse annexed, for the Vindicating of Christianity from this Charge; Offered to the Consideration of the Deists of the present Age. London.
  • Šamin S. & Watson C. 2014, “The Apocryphal ‘Instruction from the Turkish Sultan’: the European Tradition and the Russian Translation from 1697”. Slovo, Journal of Slavic Languages, Literatures and Cultures 55, 169-190.
  • Schwarzbaum H. 1989, Jewish Folklore Between East and West: Collected Papers. Beer-Sheva.
  • Taylor J. 1676, The Rule and Exercises of Holy Living. London.
  • Thevenot J. de 1687, The Travels of Monsieur De Thevenot into the Levant: In Three Parts. Turkey, Vol. I., London.
  • Thevenot J. de 1689, The Travels of Monsieur De Thevenot into the Levant: In Three Parts, Persia, vol. II. London.
  • Valdeón R. A. 2013, “From the Dutch corantos to Convergence Journalism: The Role of Translation in News Production”. Meta Journalisme et traduction 57/4, 850-865.
  • “Advice from Turkey and Germany” 21., The Present State of Europe, or, The Historical and Political Mercury, Vol. IX., for the Month of January, 1698, London, 1698, 21.
  • “Moslem Pilgrim Rites”. The Wray Gazette, Vol. 25, No. 28, Wray, Colorado, Thursday, 7 July 1927, page 5; ‘Moslem Pilgrim Rites’. Healdsburg Enterprise Vol. 1, No. 5, Healdsburg, Sonoma Co., Ca., Thursday, 28 July, 1927, page 3; ‘Moslem Pilgrim Rites’, Highland Recorder, Vol. 49, No. 32, Monterey, Va., Friday, 12 August 1927, page 1.
  • “The War between the Turks and the Venetians”. The Historical Register, Containing an Impartial Relation of All Transactions Foreign and Domestick I, 1-8. For the Year 1716, London, 1717.
  • The Historical Register, Containing an Impartial Relation of All Transactions Foreign and Domestick. Vol. I.., For the Year 1716, London, 1717, ii-iii.
  • “Moslem Pilgrim Rites”. The Wray Gazette, 7 July 1927.
  • “Moslem Pilgrim Rites”. Healdsburg Enterprise, 28 July 1927.
  • “Moslem Pilgrim Rites”. Highland Recorder, 12 August 1927.The Historical Register, Containing an Impartial Relation of All Transactions Foreign and Domestick, vol. I. For the Year 1716, London, 1717.
  • “The War between the Turks and the Venetians”.’ 1-8, The Historical Register, Containing an Impartial Relation of All Transactions Foreign and Domestick, Vol. I., 1-8. For the Year 1716, London, 1717, 5.
Toplam 31 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Terrance Michael Patrick Duggan 0000-0003-3042-7489

Yayımlanma Tarihi 26 Haziran 2022
Gönderilme Tarihi 2 Haziran 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022 Cilt: 10

Kaynak Göster

APA Duggan, T. M. P. (2022). On the Procession of the Great Mahomet, Manufacturing Prejudice: Published Fabrications - Alleged Translations of Ottoman Decrees. Cedrus, 10, 371-399.
AMA Duggan TMP. On the Procession of the Great Mahomet, Manufacturing Prejudice: Published Fabrications - Alleged Translations of Ottoman Decrees. Cedrus. Haziran 2022;10:371-399.
Chicago Duggan, Terrance Michael Patrick. “On the Procession of the Great Mahomet, Manufacturing Prejudice: Published Fabrications - Alleged Translations of Ottoman Decrees”. Cedrus 10, Haziran (Haziran 2022): 371-99.
EndNote Duggan TMP (01 Haziran 2022) On the Procession of the Great Mahomet, Manufacturing Prejudice: Published Fabrications - Alleged Translations of Ottoman Decrees. Cedrus 10 371–399.
IEEE T. M. P. Duggan, “On the Procession of the Great Mahomet, Manufacturing Prejudice: Published Fabrications - Alleged Translations of Ottoman Decrees”, Cedrus, c. 10, ss. 371–399, 2022.
ISNAD Duggan, Terrance Michael Patrick. “On the Procession of the Great Mahomet, Manufacturing Prejudice: Published Fabrications - Alleged Translations of Ottoman Decrees”. Cedrus 10 (Haziran 2022), 371-399.
JAMA Duggan TMP. On the Procession of the Great Mahomet, Manufacturing Prejudice: Published Fabrications - Alleged Translations of Ottoman Decrees. Cedrus. 2022;10:371–399.
MLA Duggan, Terrance Michael Patrick. “On the Procession of the Great Mahomet, Manufacturing Prejudice: Published Fabrications - Alleged Translations of Ottoman Decrees”. Cedrus, c. 10, 2022, ss. 371-99.
Vancouver Duggan TMP. On the Procession of the Great Mahomet, Manufacturing Prejudice: Published Fabrications - Alleged Translations of Ottoman Decrees. Cedrus. 2022;10:371-99.

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