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Britain in Palestine, 1838-1882: The Roots of the Balfour Policy

Year 2024, Volume: 2 Issue: 1, 1 - 18, 31.01.2024


This study analyses in detail the formation process of the British presence in the Palestinian territories of the Ottoman Empire, which intensified from the first quarter of the 19th century onwards. The study also touches upon how the process of the declaration of the Balfor Declaration of 1917, which played a major role in the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948, was reached. The main topics of this article are the religious and cultural investments, the protection of Ottoman minorities, the restoration of the Jews, i.e. the conversion of Jews to Protestantism and their return to Palestine, and the colonisation movements that led to the increase in the British influence in Palestine.


  • Ballod, Carl. Palästina als jiudisches Ansiedlungsgebiet. Berlin, 1918.
  • Brugger, Hans. Die duetschen Siedlungen in Palästina. Bern, 1908.
  • Carmel, Alex. Die Siedlungen der wiurttembergischen Templer in Palästina 1868-1918. Stuttgart, 1973.
  • Carmel, Alex. Geschichte Haifas in der tuirkischen Zeit 1516-1918. Wiesbaden, 1975.
  • Carmel, Alex. Die deutsche Palästina-Politik 1871-1914. Jahrbuch des Institutes fdr Deutsche Geschichte, Tel Aviv, IV (1975).
  • Carmel, Alex. Christen als Pioniere im Heiligen Land. Basel, 1981.
  • Chouraqui, Andre. LAlliance Israelite Universelle et la renaissance Juive contemporaine (1860-1960). Paris, 1965.
  • Circular of a Project for the Erection of Palestine into an Independent State. St. Antonys College, Oxford, Private Papers Collection, DS 125.
  • Conder, Claude Reignier. Tent Work in Palestine, 2 vols. London, 1878.
  • Conder, Claude Reignier. The Present Condition of Palestine, Palestine Exploration Fund Quarterly Supplement, 1879.
  • Corey, Muriel W. From Rabbi to Bishop. The Biography of the Right Reverend Michael Solomon Alexander, Bishop in Jerusalem. London, n.d. Der Ackerbau in Palästina, HL XVI (1872).
  • Dunant, Henry. Societe Intemationale Universelle pour la Renovation de l Orient, only copy, confidential draft, 1866 (to be found in the Bibliotheque Nationale in Paris).
  • Dupuis, Hanmer L. The Holy Places. a Narrative of Twvo Years Residenice in Jerusalem anid Palestine, 2 vols. London, 1856.
  • Eliav, Mordechai. German Interests and the Jewish Community in Nineteenth-Century Palestine, in Moshe Maoz, ed., Studies on Palestine during the Ottoman Peniod Jerusalem, 1975.
  • The Final Exodus; or, the Restoration to Palestine of the Lost Tribes, the Result of the Present Crisis; with a Description of the Battle of Armnageddon, and the Downfall of Russia, as Deduced Whollyfrom Prophecy. London, 1854.
  • Greaves, R.W. The Jerusalem Bishopric, 1841, English Historical Review LXIV (1949).Hajjar, Joseph. LEurope et les Destin&es du Proche-Orient (1815-1848). No publisher, 1970.
  • Hajjar, Joseph. Le Vaticani-La Franice et le Catholicisme Oriental (1878-1914). Paris, 1979.
  • Hammad, Hairi. Filastin mundu ziyarat Montefiore 1849 hatta harakat at-tahrir al-filastiniya 1965. At-Talia (May 1965).
  • Hammer, Karl. Weltmission and Kolonialismus. Munich, 1978.
  • Hanselmann, Siegfried. Deutsche Evangelische Palistinamission. Erlangen, 1971.
  • Henderson, Philip. The Life of Laurence Oliphant, Traveller, Diplomat and Mystic. London, 1956.
  • Hertzberg, Hans Wilhelm. Jerusalem-Geschichte einer Gemeinde. Kassel, 1965.
  • Hoare, E. Rome, Turkey, and Jerusalem. London, 1876.
  • Hoare, E. Palestinie and Russia. London, 1877.
  • Hyamson, Albert M. British Projects for the Restoration of the Jews. Leeds, 1917.
  • Imberger, Karl. Die deutschen landwirtschaftlichen Kolonieni in Palistinia. Ohringen, 1938.
  • Israel Pocket Library. Imnnigration and Settlenment. Jerusalem, 1973.
  • Kobler, Franz. The Vision Was There. A History of the British Movement For the Restoration of the Jews to Palestinie. London, 1956.
  • Levine, Samuel H. Changing Concepts of Palestine in American Literature to 1867. Ph.D. thesis, New York University. New York, 1953.
  • Mahafiza, Ali. Al-alaqat al-alnmaniya-al-filastiniya 1841-1945. Beirut, 1981.
  • Margalith, Israel. Le Baron Edmonid de Rothschild et la Coloniisatioi Jidive eni Palestinie 1882-1899. Paris, 1957.
  • Neil, James. Palestine Re-Peopled; or Scattered Israels Gathering. London, 1877.
  • Oliphant, Laurence. The Land of Gilead with Excursion in the Lebanon. Edinburgh and London, 1880.
  • Oliphant, Laurence. Haifa or Life in the Holy Land 1882-1885. Jerusalem, 1976 (reprint). Palästina als Ziel und Boden germanischer Auswanderung und Kolonisation, mit Rücksicht auf eine germanische Kolonisation des Orients ini Allgemeinen. Pest, Vienna, Leipzig, 1868.
  • Paulus, Christoph. Die Tempel Kolonien in Palästina. Zeitschrift des Deutschen Palästina-Vereins [Review of the German Palestine Association] VI (1883).
  • Roi, J.F.A. de le. Die evangelische Christenheit und die Juden unter dem Geischtspunkte der Mission geschichtlich betrachtet, 3 vols. Karlsruhe/Leipzig/Berlin, 1884-1892.
  • Roth, Erwin. Preu Flens Gloria im Heiligen Land. Munich, 1973.
  • Schick, C. Studien uber Colonisirung der Heiligen Landes. ÖMO 7 (1881).
  • Schick, C. Zur Colonisations-Frage in Palastina. ÖMO 8 (1882).
  • Schick, C. Der gegenwärtige Stand der Colonisation Versuche in Palastina. ÖMO 9 (1883).
  • Schmidt-Clausen, Kurt. Vorweggenommene Einheit. Dir GrJindung des Bistums Jerusalem in jahre 1841. Berlin 1965.
  • Seibt, Hans. Moderne Kolonisation in Palestina, 2 parts. Stuttgart, 1933.
  • Sharif, Regina. Christians for Zion, 1600-1919. Journal of Palestine Studies 5, nos. 3-4 (1976).
  • Sidebotham, Herbert. England and Palestinie. Essays towards the Restoration of the Jewish State. London, 1918.
  • Sinno, Abdel-Raouf. Deutsche Interessen in Syrien und Palästina 1841-1898. Berlin, 1982. The Survey of Western Palestine, 6 vols. Jerusalem, 1970 (reprint of the volumes on Galilee, Samaria, Judea, Jerusalem, and General Index, London 1881- 1888).
  • The Survey of Western Palestinie, Special Papers. London, 1881.
  • Sykes, Christopher. Kreuzwege nach Israel. Munich, 1967.
  • Tibawi, A.L. British Itnterests in Palestine, 1800-1901: A Study of Religious anid Educational Enterprise. London, 1961.
  • Verete, Mayir. Why Was a British Consulate Estab- lished in Jerusalem? English Historical Review LXXXV (1970).
  • Verete, Mayir. The Restoration of the Jews in English Protestant Thought 1790-1840. Middle Eastern Studies 8, no. 1 (1972).
  • Verete, Mayir . A Plan for the Internationalization of Jerusa- lem, 1840-1841. Asian and African Studies 12, no. 1 (1978).
  • Montefiore. Translation fa LetterAddressed by Sir Moses Mo,itefiore ... to the Jewish Congregations in the Holy Land, on the Promotion of Agnculture and Other Industrial Pursuits in that Country, and of the Replies Received Thereto. London, 1874.
  • Montefiore. An Open Letter Addressed to Sir Moses Montefiore ... Together with a Narrative of a Forty Days Sojourn in the Holy Land. London, 1875.
  • Walker, B. The Future of Palestine as a Problem of International Policy and in Connection with the Requirements of Christianity and the Expectation of the Jews. London, 1881.
  • Warren, Charles. The Land of Promise; or, Turkeys Guarantee. London, 1875.
  • Warren, Charles. Underground Jerusalem. London, 1876.

Filistin’de İngiliz Varlığının Oluşumu, 1838- 1882: Balfour Politikasının Kökenleri

Year 2024, Volume: 2 Issue: 1, 1 - 18, 31.01.2024


Bu çalışmada Osmanlı İmparatorluğunun Filistin topraklarında 19. yüzyılın ilk çeyreğinden itibaren yoğun bir şekilde kendini gösteren İngiliz varlığının oluşum süreci ayrıntılı bir şekilde incelenmektedir. Çalışmada ayrıca 1948 yılında kurulan İsrail devletinin kuruluşunda büyük rol oynayan 1917 Balfor Deklerasyonu’nun da ilan edilme sürecine nasıl gelindiği konusuna da değinilmektedir. İngilizlerin Filistin’deki nüfuzlarının artmasına neden olan başta dini ve kültürel yatırımları olmak üzere Osmanlı azınlıklarının korunması ve Yahudilerin restorasyonu yani Protestanlığa kazandırılarak Filistin’e dönmelerini sağlamak, kolonizasyon hareketleri bu makalenin ana başlıklarını oluşturmaktadır.


  • Ballod, Carl. Palästina als jiudisches Ansiedlungsgebiet. Berlin, 1918.
  • Brugger, Hans. Die duetschen Siedlungen in Palästina. Bern, 1908.
  • Carmel, Alex. Die Siedlungen der wiurttembergischen Templer in Palästina 1868-1918. Stuttgart, 1973.
  • Carmel, Alex. Geschichte Haifas in der tuirkischen Zeit 1516-1918. Wiesbaden, 1975.
  • Carmel, Alex. Die deutsche Palästina-Politik 1871-1914. Jahrbuch des Institutes fdr Deutsche Geschichte, Tel Aviv, IV (1975).
  • Carmel, Alex. Christen als Pioniere im Heiligen Land. Basel, 1981.
  • Chouraqui, Andre. LAlliance Israelite Universelle et la renaissance Juive contemporaine (1860-1960). Paris, 1965.
  • Circular of a Project for the Erection of Palestine into an Independent State. St. Antonys College, Oxford, Private Papers Collection, DS 125.
  • Conder, Claude Reignier. Tent Work in Palestine, 2 vols. London, 1878.
  • Conder, Claude Reignier. The Present Condition of Palestine, Palestine Exploration Fund Quarterly Supplement, 1879.
  • Corey, Muriel W. From Rabbi to Bishop. The Biography of the Right Reverend Michael Solomon Alexander, Bishop in Jerusalem. London, n.d. Der Ackerbau in Palästina, HL XVI (1872).
  • Dunant, Henry. Societe Intemationale Universelle pour la Renovation de l Orient, only copy, confidential draft, 1866 (to be found in the Bibliotheque Nationale in Paris).
  • Dupuis, Hanmer L. The Holy Places. a Narrative of Twvo Years Residenice in Jerusalem anid Palestine, 2 vols. London, 1856.
  • Eliav, Mordechai. German Interests and the Jewish Community in Nineteenth-Century Palestine, in Moshe Maoz, ed., Studies on Palestine during the Ottoman Peniod Jerusalem, 1975.
  • The Final Exodus; or, the Restoration to Palestine of the Lost Tribes, the Result of the Present Crisis; with a Description of the Battle of Armnageddon, and the Downfall of Russia, as Deduced Whollyfrom Prophecy. London, 1854.
  • Greaves, R.W. The Jerusalem Bishopric, 1841, English Historical Review LXIV (1949).Hajjar, Joseph. LEurope et les Destin&es du Proche-Orient (1815-1848). No publisher, 1970.
  • Hajjar, Joseph. Le Vaticani-La Franice et le Catholicisme Oriental (1878-1914). Paris, 1979.
  • Hammad, Hairi. Filastin mundu ziyarat Montefiore 1849 hatta harakat at-tahrir al-filastiniya 1965. At-Talia (May 1965).
  • Hammer, Karl. Weltmission and Kolonialismus. Munich, 1978.
  • Hanselmann, Siegfried. Deutsche Evangelische Palistinamission. Erlangen, 1971.
  • Henderson, Philip. The Life of Laurence Oliphant, Traveller, Diplomat and Mystic. London, 1956.
  • Hertzberg, Hans Wilhelm. Jerusalem-Geschichte einer Gemeinde. Kassel, 1965.
  • Hoare, E. Rome, Turkey, and Jerusalem. London, 1876.
  • Hoare, E. Palestinie and Russia. London, 1877.
  • Hyamson, Albert M. British Projects for the Restoration of the Jews. Leeds, 1917.
  • Imberger, Karl. Die deutschen landwirtschaftlichen Kolonieni in Palistinia. Ohringen, 1938.
  • Israel Pocket Library. Imnnigration and Settlenment. Jerusalem, 1973.
  • Kobler, Franz. The Vision Was There. A History of the British Movement For the Restoration of the Jews to Palestinie. London, 1956.
  • Levine, Samuel H. Changing Concepts of Palestine in American Literature to 1867. Ph.D. thesis, New York University. New York, 1953.
  • Mahafiza, Ali. Al-alaqat al-alnmaniya-al-filastiniya 1841-1945. Beirut, 1981.
  • Margalith, Israel. Le Baron Edmonid de Rothschild et la Coloniisatioi Jidive eni Palestinie 1882-1899. Paris, 1957.
  • Neil, James. Palestine Re-Peopled; or Scattered Israels Gathering. London, 1877.
  • Oliphant, Laurence. The Land of Gilead with Excursion in the Lebanon. Edinburgh and London, 1880.
  • Oliphant, Laurence. Haifa or Life in the Holy Land 1882-1885. Jerusalem, 1976 (reprint). Palästina als Ziel und Boden germanischer Auswanderung und Kolonisation, mit Rücksicht auf eine germanische Kolonisation des Orients ini Allgemeinen. Pest, Vienna, Leipzig, 1868.
  • Paulus, Christoph. Die Tempel Kolonien in Palästina. Zeitschrift des Deutschen Palästina-Vereins [Review of the German Palestine Association] VI (1883).
  • Roi, J.F.A. de le. Die evangelische Christenheit und die Juden unter dem Geischtspunkte der Mission geschichtlich betrachtet, 3 vols. Karlsruhe/Leipzig/Berlin, 1884-1892.
  • Roth, Erwin. Preu Flens Gloria im Heiligen Land. Munich, 1973.
  • Schick, C. Studien uber Colonisirung der Heiligen Landes. ÖMO 7 (1881).
  • Schick, C. Zur Colonisations-Frage in Palastina. ÖMO 8 (1882).
  • Schick, C. Der gegenwärtige Stand der Colonisation Versuche in Palastina. ÖMO 9 (1883).
  • Schmidt-Clausen, Kurt. Vorweggenommene Einheit. Dir GrJindung des Bistums Jerusalem in jahre 1841. Berlin 1965.
  • Seibt, Hans. Moderne Kolonisation in Palestina, 2 parts. Stuttgart, 1933.
  • Sharif, Regina. Christians for Zion, 1600-1919. Journal of Palestine Studies 5, nos. 3-4 (1976).
  • Sidebotham, Herbert. England and Palestinie. Essays towards the Restoration of the Jewish State. London, 1918.
  • Sinno, Abdel-Raouf. Deutsche Interessen in Syrien und Palästina 1841-1898. Berlin, 1982. The Survey of Western Palestine, 6 vols. Jerusalem, 1970 (reprint of the volumes on Galilee, Samaria, Judea, Jerusalem, and General Index, London 1881- 1888).
  • The Survey of Western Palestinie, Special Papers. London, 1881.
  • Sykes, Christopher. Kreuzwege nach Israel. Munich, 1967.
  • Tibawi, A.L. British Itnterests in Palestine, 1800-1901: A Study of Religious anid Educational Enterprise. London, 1961.
  • Verete, Mayir. Why Was a British Consulate Estab- lished in Jerusalem? English Historical Review LXXXV (1970).
  • Verete, Mayir. The Restoration of the Jews in English Protestant Thought 1790-1840. Middle Eastern Studies 8, no. 1 (1972).
  • Verete, Mayir . A Plan for the Internationalization of Jerusa- lem, 1840-1841. Asian and African Studies 12, no. 1 (1978).
  • Montefiore. Translation fa LetterAddressed by Sir Moses Mo,itefiore ... to the Jewish Congregations in the Holy Land, on the Promotion of Agnculture and Other Industrial Pursuits in that Country, and of the Replies Received Thereto. London, 1874.
  • Montefiore. An Open Letter Addressed to Sir Moses Montefiore ... Together with a Narrative of a Forty Days Sojourn in the Holy Land. London, 1875.
  • Walker, B. The Future of Palestine as a Problem of International Policy and in Connection with the Requirements of Christianity and the Expectation of the Jews. London, 1881.
  • Warren, Charles. The Land of Promise; or, Turkeys Guarantee. London, 1875.
  • Warren, Charles. Underground Jerusalem. London, 1876.
There are 56 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects International Relations (Other)
Journal Section Çeviri Çalışmaları

Celal Öney 0000-0001-5034-5056

Publication Date January 31, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 2 Issue: 1


Chicago Öney, Celal, trans. “Filistin’de İngiliz Varlığının Oluşumu, 1838- 1882: Balfour Politikasının Kökenleri”. ORAFAM Journal 2, no. 1 (January 2024): 1-18.